The planetary and societal challenges we face today are interconnected. This means that the solutions cannot be found in one domain alone. If we want to achieve real change, we need to work on different things simultaneously.
Every year, the World Economic Forum publishes a risk assessment that shows how the major challenges of our time are interconnected. At the same time, our window of opportunity is shrinking.
At We Are Impact Collective, we bring together diverse disciplines and expertise. We help individuals and organizations with sustainable business models, design thinking, investments, and strategic exercises. But that is not enough. We also need a different mindset to come up with new ideas with impact and to implement them. How do you get a board on board with a new story? How do you engage an entire company to truly make an impact? That's why at We Are Impact Collective, we also focus on connecting people. We work on connecting leadership, generosity, trust, and empowering minorities, among other things.
To accelerate impact within our organizations, we can use more knowledge and data, as well as more emotion. More joy and fun. More optimism about the future. We have the privilege of being the last generation that can turn the tide. Let's do that. By connecting our knowledge, data, and people. Let's bring impact into play!